
Replica Hermes Kelly Handbag canvas texture leather materials added ornate noble temperament

I bet most of you have encountered this number before, but few of you know it real meaning. 2.55 is the category of bags generally that have a flap and chain strap. Coco Chanel introduced this Chanel bags in Feb 1955, so that is where this name came from. Yes, the 2.55 refers to ALL flap style bags including variations of the original. As we all know, over the years there have been many variations to the original design of the 2.55 including the leather or fabric, the chain, and the closure. Anyway, I just name one of them-Chanel Classic Flap Bag in Black. Value 11.7 million of crocodile leather bag Zac Posen Alexia sacrament of pilots. This series of a total of six packs Replica Handbags each with ornate noble leather texture, using the gold metal hardware matching lining. Belt chain decoration of rolling leather strap length 9 inches at the top, has a mouth and metal details.

The chain-like decoration on the identity of a bear, and you can sign into the slot in the front pocket, this brand is removable. Lined with soft Suede, also with zipper pocket and two leather texture fill drop bag with gold's brand identity. The base has a protective metal bracket. Classic bag canvas leisure series can be considered a classic among subsection package. Space capacity and practical package body lets girls put more things, logo printed on the package is also a sign of this package. But in recent years the appearance of the leather products as well as the kuanxing poses some vitality, compared to the previous canvas texture leather materials added ornate noble temperament.

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