Now I will introduce some methods to distinguish designer handbags from the replicas for your reference.GucciThe commonest replica of Gucci handbags is the Denim bag with "G" decorative patterns. In fact, the handbags with double"G"on them are all fakes. The real Gucci are all done with fine workmanship, from pattern texture to stitching, then to the neatness of the lining. The fake ones are always barely satisfactory in workmanship, the pattern texture of "G" is usually not in order, all the stitching is not neat, the endings are not clean, the leather of lining folding place or line of cut are not smooth, these are all the features of fake Gucci handbags.
The materials of the authentic bags are nylon cloth, which usually feels thick and solid, while the fake ones are usually quite thinner and the texture is not so good. The bamboo handle of real Gucci is heavier in weight and thicker in woodiness, the color is also darker than the fake ones. Real Gucci will have a print of "Gucci" and "Made in Italy" on the label of the lining, besides, there is a clear number on it which stands for the real Gucci.Louis VuittonThe textile printing of LV is made of special canvas added with materials that are flame retardant and anticorrosion, therefore, the grain line of the surface is obvious. The source of fake ones is different, and some made in China is bad in materials. Most of them are made from glue stuff, which lead to big anti photometric, smooth surface and weakness in concave-convex.
Chanel Clutch
Chanel Canvas
Chanel Cambon