(Again.) And I guess they're blowing up Washington D.C. this time.Outlook: Bay and LaBeouf both insist this film will be way better than the second one, and maybe they'll actually pull it off? The fact they've cranked this out in just two years, and there are replica Omega 1361.71.00 WoMen's watch reports of problems with the 3D filming, could argue against it, though.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (July 15)The movie version of the Harry Potter saga ends at last. Voldemort pulls out all the stops to kill the Boy who Lived, and Harry and his friends get pushed to their limits.
Outlook: If it's as good as the first half, it should be epic. The fact that they've reshot the troublesome epilogue is actually a good sign, since it shows they're paying attention to detail.Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage (July 18)It's basically a giant tribute to Ray Harryhausen, featuring lots of stop-motion animation and ridiculous monsters. And the voice of Patrick Stewart, narrating.Outlook: Could be fun — and Patrick Stewart replica Omega 1376.71 WoMen's watch and swashbuckling are always a good mix.Captain America: The First Avenger (July 22)Steve Rogers wants to join the fight in World War II, but he's too weak — until he takes an experimental serum that transforms him into a paragon, Captain America.
The last of Marvel's movies setting up next year's The Avengers.Outlook: Hugo Weaving is an inspired choice as the Red Skull, and the set photos look appropriately detail-oriented. It really depends how much of a polish Joss Whedon was able to give the script.Cowboys and Aliens (July 29)Director Jon Favreau set out to make a straight-up Western film — that incorporates alien invaders. The cowboys and the natives have to replica Omega 1362.70.00 WoMen's watch team up to fight the extra-terrestrial menace, and in the middle of it is a man with amnesia and a weird device on his wrist.Outlook: The cast, including Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford, is pretty amazing. And the trailer looked note-perfect.